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Showing posts with the label Mysticism


What is the point of making du'a (prayer)?

What is the point of making Du'a? We all desire for things in life. You want something, I want something, we all want something. Though, this eternal cycle of desire is not the purpose of our article here. Rather, it is over what we do when we want something.  I want you to remember the last time you wanted something, it could be anything; job promotion, new phone, a romantic partner. Now, ask yourself: did you really want it?  Of course you did, otherwise, you wouldn't have remembered anything. Now, ask yourself, what did you do in order to get that thing? You may have done nothing, confining it to your fantasies, or you may have got to work and made sure you acquired that thing. Perhaps you tried at first, then gave up.  Whatever the case, there is a common factor in all cases:   hope.  Whether you believe in a higher power or not, you still believe in powers greater than yourself. Even the most adamant of solipsists are still terrified by the power of that mind whom Descarte
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