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Who will you be with after death?

 ﷽   The Prophet ﷺ tells us in a Hadith* that three things will follow a person to his grave: his wealth, his family, and his deeds. Two will return; his family and wealth, and the other will remain - his deeds.  Thus, once the funeral finishes, the person will hear the footsteps of his loved ones as they desert the graveyard, his wealth no longer belonging to him. Finally, he is left alone by himself with nothing but his good deeds to guard him. His mother will not be there to comfort him, his wife will not be there to support him, his friends will not be there to protect him. Alone will he be, lying in his grave, awaiting for the Day of Reckoning. Suddenly, the call will be given. All of creation will be wiped from the face of the universe, the heavens will collapse, and the Angel of Death himself will have his life taken away. Allah ﷻ will call out to the rulers of the world, Where are the Kings? Where are the Emperors? Where are the Sultans? None will reply. On that d...

What is Rational Islam?


Welcome to the revival of Islam

 "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke

The enemies of Islam are striving to destroy it. They are penning articles, and printing books in the masses. Behind a “tolerant” mask, they hide a heart that despises you. Do not fall for their tricks; avoid being choked within a friendly embrace! 


What are we to do?


The secret is in the intellectual renewal of Islam. Imam al-Ghazali will forever be remembered for his opposition to the philosophers who sought to mislead the people. Instead, he stood up as a beacon of hope for the muslims, and launched a scathing counter-attack, solidifying his legacy in history. It is no wonder, then, that he is affectionately called ‘the proof of the Religion’, with his Magnus opus bearing the name Revival of the Religious Sciences.


The solution is clear to all. 


No one is saying it will be easy. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal suffered terribly at the hands of oppressors due to his heroic resistance to the mu’tazilah (unorthodox religious thinkers who resorted to political means to enforce their dogma). In the end, the light of Allah won and the darkness of ignorance was annihilated. So, one question remains:


Are you ready to join us?

The Importance of Knowledge

 Oh Seeker! Know that the revelatory sciences, such as Tafsir - Quranic Exegesis -, have an outer and inner value in their gain of knowledge. In regards to outer knowledge, it is external and liable to communication. It is blessed and sacred, and possessing it is indeed praiseworthy, but even the worst of the Unbelievers can grasp their ocean-like depth if he were to apply his intellect properly. 

However, do not despair Oh blessed one! For God has not forsaken you on this search for knowledge. Verily, what sets you apart from the unbelievers is not the mere parroting of outer knowledge, but rather the internal knowledge. Rejoice, as the light of Divine knowledge descends on those who truly value their knowledge, both in their hearts and their outer actions. 

On the other hand, knowledge only darkens the hearts of those who do not value it, leading them towards pride, among many other repugnant characteristics. Thus, do not be among them, take value for your knowledge, and allow the true benefit of knowledge to grasp hold of your inner soul.

What is this light, you may ask? This is a lengthy discussion, but the summary is that it forms a connection between the slave who acquires it and the King from whom it originated. 

The slave is then, from the stream, gradually pulled into the ocean, overcome by the waves and intoxicated. With his knowledge, he perfects his outer actions and purifies his inner character, and realisations from the Divine are inspired upon the mirror of his soul, and he is further blessed with knowledge the rational mind cannot comprehend, the tongue cannot express, and that cannot be read from a book. 

Indeed, this is the true value of knowledge.

Therefore, do not take your path lightly, and aspire, for you truly are on a sacred journey.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
"You must acquire this knowledge before it is taken away, and its taking away is its being lifted up". He then joined his middle and pointer finger together and said: "The scholar and the Seeker of Knowledge will share the reward, and there is no good in the rest of the people".


Attain Inner Tranquility

The challenges of Modernity pose a real threat to our faith. Invigorate your love for God and His Messenger, His religion, and His Holy Books. Aid in the intellectual revival of Islam and its glory. 

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